Antoine de Saint-Exupery once wrote, “For true love is inexhaustible; the more you give, the more you have. And if you go to draw at the true fountainhead, the more water you draw, the more abundant is its flow.” What a beautiful statement about the real and wonderful nature of love! As a third generation jeweler, I’ve been blessed beyond measure to see so many couples absolutely, utterly, and rapturously in love with one another.
Can I tell you a secret?
Not once in my grandfather’s jewelry store…not once in my fathers…and not once in my own store, Bert Levi Family Jewelers, did I see a couple truly in love measure that love by the size of the diamond in their engagement ring or by how much money they spent on their wedding set. Love isn’t about gold and precious gems, and as far as I’m concerned, that’s not what jewelry is about either! See, jewelry commemorates emotions already present. It’s representative of a relationship far, far more important than the materials that make up the ring, the necklace, or the bracelet.
That’s one of the reasons we’ve committed ourselves to making jewelry affordable for any couple. We don’t think that only the wealthy are entitled to an elegant and beautiful engagement ring. We design our own jewelry. We manufacture our own jewelry. We import diamonds directly and we pay cash so we can get the best prices and first pick of the most beautiful stones. Then, we pass the savings along. Why?
We’re a small family business, and we take the word “family” very seriously. To us, every customer just staring as a family ought to be able to love the jewelry that serves to memorialize that event. In fact, we’re confident we can customize almost any design so that it will fit with almost every budget. You don’t have to be rich to fall in love, and we don’t think you should have to rich in order to wear a symbol of that love.