If you have vintage jewelry you want to sell, you may be growing frustrated. Perhaps you’ve brought your jewelry to one of those gold buyers and been very disappointed by the amount they offered. The truth is, almost anyone who knows the value of their “unwanted” gold is disappointed by the gold buying organizations. Perhaps you’ve decided to try to sell the vintage jewelry to private parties but you’re not having a lot of luck. It can take a very long time to sell online or through consignment, and there is more work involved than it might seem at first.
You know that some jewelers buy jewelry. Why?
I can’t speak for all jewelers but I imagine most jewelers feel the same way that I do when I say that we buy jewelry because we know the jewelry business and we’re comfortable making business decisions about it. If you bring me an art deco ring, I understand its value. I know what makes that period of jewelry design desirable and popular.
In fact, whatever item you bring me, I will have at the very least a general idea of how popular it is in the marketplace. I can look at an item of jewelry and estimate how long it will take for me to sell it to my customers. This allows me to know how long it will be before I recoup my investment. Actually, in many cases, I look at an item of jewelry and think of several customers who might be interested in it. So, it’s not complicated. I buy jewelry because I know I can sell it. I’ve spent more than thirty years building the customer base. I think most jewelers who buy items feel the same way.
I can tell you another reason we buy jewelry at my store. We like to do business with people. We’re certain our win-win strategy is going to impact you positively and when it comes time for you to be a buyer rather than a seller; you’re likely to give us a call. If you want to sell jewelry in San Diego, drop by our showroom. I’m confident you’ll be glad you did.
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