Tiffany & Co. has long based its jewelry on natural form and on an unwavering respect for the beauty of the materials themselves. From the outset, they rejected the overly ornate and unnatural designs common for jewelry in the 1800s and created a thoroughly American approach more concerned with the final product and how it would enhance the beauty of the wearer than on any technical brilliance being ascribed to the designer. The results are extraordinary, and Tiffany & Co. is the foremost jeweler in the world. It’s not surprise than the Tiffany Enchant Collection clings tightly to the company’s original design precepts.
The designs themselves are based on the symmetrical and charming patterns in eighteenth and nineteenth century garden gates. Right behind those gates lie the beauty of nature, and the way Tiffany has designed Enchant pieces hearkens back to that lovely anticipation of the natural beauty within. The open settings of the designs hold both white diamonds and colored diamonds in various combinations, and the effects are certainly magical. The Enchant Collection is simply breathtaking and it celebrates the combination of the modern world with the natural world. Particularly fitting is that Tiffany & Co. has partnered with various preservation societies as part of their celebration of this collection.
At Bert Levi Family Jewelers, we buy thousands of dollars’ worth of jewelry every single week in our conveniently located downtown San Diego showroom. Among the items we buy are Tiffany & Co. pendants, engagement rings, and more. Tiffany Enchant items fly in and out of our inventory very quickly, so we can’t guarantee what we’ll have in stock but if your heart is set on a particular item, we can usually find one in our network of distributers. Drop on by and let one of our GIA Accredited Jewelry Professionals show you our inventory. We’re in the Gaslamp District, and your Tiffany Enchant Collection item may be just hours away from you wearing it!