Engagement rings have a very long history that dates back thousands of years. Rings were given in ancient times as not only a token of commitment but also as a way to prove a potential match had the resources to take care of the bride. Over the centuries, many aspects of rings have gained symbolic importance. Although times have changed, the symbolism can still help you to decide on a ring’s designs and components. This blog post is part of a series on engagement ring symbolism I think you might enjoy.
In this post, we’ll discuss the significance of using yellow gold in the manufacture of your engagement ring. For centuries, gold has represented wealth (which goes back to the idea of an engagement ring representing the ability to support a spouse) but it also means a great deal more.
The color yellow has symbolized fidelity for centuries as well. Loyalty. Devotion. You’ve heard the song about tying a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree. That’s based on a true account of a man returning from war in the 1800s. A yellow ribbon would mean the woman he loved was faithful to him and still wanted him.
Even though platinum, white gold, and rose gold can seem trendier these days, fidelity and loyalty is the bedrock of a successful marriage. There are times when a couple doesn’t feel very in love. There are times when one person feels neglected. There are times when one person feels like all the work in the relationship falls on them. What keeps the marriage going in those circumstances? What precludes betrayal? The answer is loyalty, fidelity. The answer is the commitment that yellow gold represents.
If you’re looking for a yellow gold engagement ring in San Diego, I would consider it an honor to help you. Give me a call or just stop by my La Jolla showroom. I can help you with yellow gold or any other precious metal you want to use. I’ve helped countless San Diegans with their wedding jewelry. Let me help you, too.
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