Engagement rings have a very long history that dates back thousands of years. Rings were given in ancient times as not only a token of commitment but also as a way to prove a potential match had the resources to take care of the bride. Over the centuries, many aspects of rings have gained symbolic importance. Although times have changed, the symbolism can still help you to decide on a ring’s designs and components. This blog post is part of a series on engagement ring symbolism I think you might enjoy.
The stones that surround the center stone of an engagement ring are called by many names. You can call them surrounding stones, accent stones, side stones, or melee diamonds or more. They are used to enhance the center stone and add visual interest and brilliance to the ring's design. The center stone is always the primary meaning from a symbolic standpoint but the other stone can enhance the meaning.
For example, let’s focus on how diamonds represent forever, the result of unwavering commitment. Diamonds are forever. You’ve heard that. Let’s assume an emerald is the center stone and diamonds are the accent stones. Well, emeralds symbolize growth and new beginnings. If diamonds mean something unchanging and permanent, emeralds represent a cycle of constant growth and renewal. So how do those things work together? A ring like that would represent a relationship with a focus on growth and new beginnings. All of that is based on the foundation of unbreakable loyalty and commitment to renewal. The forever love is a love of growing as a couple.
Rubies symbolize passion. Throw in diamond accent stones and it’s a commitment to keeping the spark alive. Blue sapphires symbolize protection. With the diamonds, they represent a permanent commitment to protecting each other and to protecting the relationship. However, there are different meanings for each of those stones so you can personalize the meaning for how it fits you. Accent stones can be packed with symbolism and they can make a ring highly symbolic.
If you’re in the market for an engagement ring, I hop you’ll get in touch. I’m a third-generation jeweler, and there’s nothing I love more than helping a couple at the start of their relationship. Give me a call or drop by my La Jolla showroom. You’ll be glad you did.
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