I’ve been in the jewelry business for a very long time. In fact, since it’s a family profession and I’m a third-generation jeweler, I guess you can say I’ve been in the jewelry business for my whole life. I can remember helping in my grandfather’s showroom before I was really old enough to be much help. I believe jewelry is important because of what it represents and not because of how much it costs or how precious the materials are.
This is why Bert Levi Family Jewelers has from the very beginning tried to convince couples to focus on making the ring memorable and not expensive. That’s also why we strive to have affordable but beautiful options available. After all, it’s not only the super-wealthy who fall in love. I think people in any economic situation at all ought to be able to commemorate their engagement in a beautiful way.
There are hundreds of tips I can give you about engagement rings. For this post, we’ll do these five.
I. Choose Slightly Smaller: I mean with your diamond. Did you know a 0.9 carat diamond will be indistinguishable from a one carat diamond but will cost a great deal less? That goes for any gem, actually. Buying a gem slightly smaller than the whole carat gives you a stone that looks the same but for much less.
II. Consider Lab Grown Gems. Lab grown gems are ethically formed with none of the environmental damage caused by mining. They’re chemically identical to naturally formed gems. Only a gemologist can tell the difference but they cost substantially less than earth-mined stones.
III. Don’t Shoot for Colorless: It’s almost impossible to see the difference with the naked eye between the letter grades assigned to color on a diamond. This is especially true if you don’t have diamonds right next to each other for comparison. You can choose a diamond with a little color, especially if the band itself is yellow gold. The savings can be substantial.
IV. Go with a simple design. Do you know the most popular engagement ring design in the world is the Tiffany setting or a variation of the Tiffany setting? It was designed to show off the natural beauty of the diamond, and it’s enough. Don’t spend extra money for something complicated and put yourself in financial hot water.
V. Upgrade Later: This is the advice I give most often to couples I see in my shop. But something reasonable and absolutely affordable now. Later, when you’re on better economic footing, get a larger diamond or get a nicer semi-mount.
If you’re looking for an engagement ring in San Diego, I hope these tips help you. I also hope you’ll get in touch with me. I’ve been blessed to help a great many people with their wedding jewelry, and I’d love to help you. So, give me a call or drop by the La Jolla showroom. You’ll be glad you did!
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